Cira slider

The website at hosts the RAMMB/CIRA SLIDER, which provides access to GOES-16 satellite imagery. GOES-16 is a geostationary satellite that captures weather and environmental data. The SLIDER tool allows users to view and analyze this imagery, including features like looping, zooming, and selecting various visualizations like GeoColor. Additionally, archived imagery can be accessed through this platform. This resource is valuable for meteorologists, researchers, and anyone interested in real-time weather and environmental data.

For more information and access to GOES-16 imagery, you can visit the RAMSDIS Online page hosted by the Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) at Colorado State University. RAMMB, co-located with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), provides various meteorological and satellite-related services.

In summary, is a valuable resource for accessing GOES-16 satellite imagery and related tools for meteorological and environmental analysis. – RAMMB/CIRA SLIDER: GOES-16 (East; 75.2W) Satellite … – RAMSDIS Online – GOES-16 Imagery – Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch – RAMMB: RAMSDIS Online – Main Page – Central and South America and the Caribbean – RAMMB: TC Real-Time: Currently Active Tropical Cyclones

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