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Nerd News

My girlfriend’s 14 year old son went to his first job interview yesterday June 4th 2010. He was very impressive…

June 5, 2010

This is sad, Betty White is the last golden girl left. 🙁 Rue McClanahan, 76, Actress and Golden Girl, Dies…

June 3, 2010

1. A first-generation iPhone or an iPhone 3G with firmware versions between 2.0 and 3.1.2, jailbroken with Redsn0w, Blacksn0w, or PwnageTool. If you already…

June 3, 2010

1. Boot up your iPhone 2. Once OpeniBoot is open select console with the volume keys and press “Home” button…

June 3, 2010

This is upsetting and I am deeply disturbed and ticked off right now. From what I understand, Kurtis Chapman and…

Osfoora for Twitter 1.4 « Thoughts of an iPhone Developer.

May 25, 2010