- March 3, 2011The iPad 2 -- Engadget.
- February 26, 2011iPhone 4 - Apple Cases - LifeProof Store. watch youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CD-OiY1iKY start at 1:30 These cases are amazing
- February 12, 2011This is an awesome Jailbreak wizard, if you need help use it PwnMyI Jailbreak Guide.
- February 8, 2011Sony v. Geohot litigation heats up, SCEA demands YouTube give up Hotz and Fail0verflow’s personal info « Rohan Sood.
- January 30, 2011it would appear with the newest firmware update, not only does it kill jailbreaks it also bans people from black…
- January 30, 2011There were plenty of CFW's released for 3.55. Kmea's firmware seems to work the best. Looks like Shortly after the CFW's…
- January 30, 2011Looks like more things I missed. Jailbreak for 4.2.1 is out also http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-ios-4.2.1-iphone-4-3gs-3g-ipad-ipod-touch-with-redsn0w-0.9.6b4-guide/ * Cydia implemented a "manage account" function…
- January 30, 2011Since my last posting looks like apple released a new firmware. Its already been jailbroken. Jail break for 4.1 here…