Nerd News
This cat follows me everywhere when im sleeping hes next to my bed if my alarm goes off hes on…
July 14, 2010
So this kid released a video to “prove” his jailbreak was legit, all he did was show some general info…
July 14, 2010
My iphone 4 is preparing to ship 🙂 Of course wont be shipping out till August 3rd 🙁
July 14, 2010
The Issue: Oh woe is me I am trying to restore a idevice and my host keeps picking up apple’s…
July 13, 2010
There we go I chose to get just the iphone 4 32 gig black I will buy the other 2…
July 13, 2010
My iphone card is here yay!!! Time to purchase my phone.
July 13, 2010
I will soon be buying my iphone 4 i put a little money on an apple store card, now i…
July 13, 2010
I have purchased a domain in order to establish by hosting again. Last time I did hosting there was a…
July 13, 2010
posted on twitter by Planetbeing moments ago
July 13, 2010