Alt National Park Service Joins the March for Science

The ALTNPS coalition considered hosting a national march but decided it would be best to join up with the March for Science on April 14th, 2018. Joining forces will allow us to make the biggest impact possible.

Our public lands are suffering, endangered species are being pushed to extinction, pollution violations are on the rise without penalty, and environmental regulations across the board are being completely disregarded. Our country has become about profits over our general health, clean water, clean air, environment, and wildlife. Our coalition has taken a stand because the environment and wildlife is everything to us. It’s not just our job, it’s our passion. Our mission is to protect the environment and wildlife for present and future generations.

Help us take a stand on April 14th, 2018. We are asking you to take a stand and march with us on Washington DC. March for science, our environment, our wildlife, our national parks, and our national monuments. It’s time to take a stand! #Resist

Please invite your friends to this event on Facebook to help spread the word!

Note: If you cannot join the March for Science in Washington DC there will be marches across the country in all different cities. If your city does not currently have a march please consider starting one and sending us the information. We will post information about all the Marches across the United States.

Starts at: 2018-04-14 07:00:00
Ends at: 2018-04-14 16:00:00


National Mall and Memorial Parks
Park Headquarters – 1100 Ohio Dr SW
Washington D.C.
