App Store – The Night Sky

The Night Sky – Simply Magical

The Night Sky is a magical new app that enables you to see the stars, planets and even satellites. Just stand anywhere and hold your iPhone or iPad up to the sky and The Night Sky will display the names of the stars and other objects you are able to see just like magic!

Even if your view is obscured by clouds or the daylight, The Night Sky app will know what is there, you have to use this app to realise just how amazing it is!

The Night Sky does this by using your location data using GPS and the in built compass to pin point where you are and the way you are facing. It then cross references this with it’s inbuilt map of the sky and overlays the star, planet and satellite names on your screen. It really is magical and will amaze you, and anyone you show it to!

So next time your gazing up in to The Night Sky and wonder the name of a star, planet or even a satellite, just hold your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad up to the sky and let The Night Sky app amaze your gaze!

The Night Sky really is simply magical!

via App Store – The Night Sky.

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