ps3 scene Catchup

There were plenty of CFW’s released for 3.55. Kmea’s firmware seems to work the best. Looks like Shortly after the CFW’s and the TRO being granted against Geohot. Sony released 3.56. Looks like they also sent DMCA letters to a bunch of the devs. Who in turn also had their GIT’s closed down. However someone stepped up and saved the git’s on gitorious :).

1/11/2011, Geohot was served with papers from Good Ole Sony. This is from geohot’s site.

As of 1/11/2011 7:20 PM EST, I have been served with papers, see below…

S: Motion For TRO
S: Proposed Order
S: Complaint

G: My Initial Response
S: Supplemental TRO
G: My Second Response
S: Their Comeback

C: Order Granting TRO
C: Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion for TRO

old front page, but censored is here
I am subject to the TRO

As of 1/27/2011, I don’t have free speech

I am giving a talk at Stevens Institute of Technology on Monday, but had to remove the PS3 portions, thanks to the TRO

The portions covered how PS3 security was broken, and more importantly how to fix it(lawsuit free of course)

contact me geohot … gmail

any legal fund donation things you see are 100% fake as of now, don’t get scammed
perhaps a more appropriate way to deal with jailbreakers

I’m going out to buy a Windows 7 phone

Note to Sony:

It’s apparent you don’t care
about your reputation with consumers, and I can almost understand your point there.
Few people consider buying a TV or laptop a moral choice, and the consumer base is quite large.
But talented developers are in much shorter supply, and take it from one personally, who you choose to code for is much more of a moral choice.

The programmers you will one day be looking to hire are the ones reading the tech news sites right now.

And they will remember.

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