@ih8sn0w @danielsowden f1reb1aze yay or nay **updated with an opinion

So this kid released a video to “prove” his jailbreak was legit, all he did was show some general info stuff, go and launch “cydia” (btw I can recode in a simple browser interface). For now I call f1reb1aze fake. This kid claims to have found a low level bootrom exploit in the 3gs new bootrom. We shall see what happens.

I myself has a 3gs that unfortunately I cannot jailbreak and i have every cydia app and stuff purchased and not able to use it. I would love to have a jailbreak for my phone on iOS4.

The video is on http://danielsowden.blogspot.com/

I will go ahead and add an opinon here, Daniel seems like a talented programmer, and he might just be capable of this. With geohot dropping from the scene, who is willing to step up to try to fill geohot’s shoes, if this jailbreak is indeed real this could be the starting point of another legacy, I know of one other person who is pretty capable of filling geohot’s shoes if hes motivated enough and thats iH8Sn0w I have the pleasure of working along side this kid on a daily basic on irc.