WHOA!!! Iphone FTW

Lots of things happened for the iphone world while I was working.

iOS4 was released, unlock made for 05.11+ and iOS4 is already jailbroken!!!

You decided to keep on reading good job. iOS4 was released at 10 am this morning.

unlock for 05.11.07, and 05.12.* has been released.

Select ‘Edit’ and then select ‘Add’. Now enter a URL source. Type http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com, click add source and then you should have it added. Next search “ultrasn0w 0.93” install it run it reboot and you should be unlocked.

Now the best part iOS4 has been jailbroken already.

Pattyland successfully modified an existing plist file and made it work for iOS4 final release to jailbreak it.

  1. Get PwnageTool
  2. Get Bundle from  msftguy, modified by pattyland: 
  3. Update Cydia in PwnageTool “FirmwareBundles” with the one from the newest Redsn0w
  4. Put the Bundle in the “FirmwareBundles”
  5. Create your costum CFW 4.0 final
  6. Ensure your are on a jailbroken CFW 3.1.2/3.1.3/4.0GM. No Blackra1n/Spirit, only CFW!
  7. Ensure that you have the old Bootrom
  8. Restore your iPhone in Recoverymode with your CFW 4.0
  9. Enjoy :)
Changes to GM:

Thanks to the Dev Team, msftguy and linath!

Category: News / Posts

1 comment

  • Sören Müller

    Thank you for the Link 🙂

    Greets from Germany

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