Death to my iPhone :(

My iPhone 3gs has passed away today. The gf and I went to Zillah today and on the trip I opened up copilot and it worked great on the way up there. However on the way back at about halfway home, I received an error on the iphone.

“Repair needed. iPhone cannot make or receive calls. Contact Apple at”

Well of course I saw the error and freaked, I forced my iphone off using the home + power key. Let it come back on took about 20 minutes and it was at this screen yes I could still take screenshots and all that using the iphone which was kinda cool. I took some screenshots of this interesting screen.

Before all of this, there are a couple things I did while in Zillah, we were outside and I used a program I bought from itunes store called yny wifi

One thing thats interesting is my trying to restore the iPhone firmware, I kept receiving error 23 no matter what I tried to restore this iPhone.

I called apple support at 6 pm I had been trying to troubleshoot this stupid phone for like 4 hours.

I spoke to Jason of Apple care support, I mentioned to him everything I have tried. We set up a replacement service option, So I will be sending my iphone to apple tomorrow in order to get a replacement sent back. I will updated this post and let you all know what the status is.

Good news at 11:30 pm, I was able to restore my phone to 3.1.3, bad news it didnt fix my baseband issue, my ICCID and IMEI still show as being empty. So I will still be going for a replacement.

Fix for error 23… found this on a forum

Because you are on windows, you need to download the bspatch exe file

You will generally find iTunesMobileDevice.dll under

%CommonProgramFiles%AppleMobile Device Supportbin

or on 64bit windows

%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%AppleMobile Device Supportbin

The above links will work on all languages.
For Windows 32 bit English installed to C drive, the actual path is as follows.

C:Program FilesCommon FilesAppleMobile Device SupportbiniTunesMobileDevice.dll

This patch only works with iTunes 9.0.2

I have not tested this as I currently don’t have iTunes 9.0.2 installed on my windows 7 x64 machine. The following procedure should work.

  1. Make a backup copy of iTunesMobileDevice.dll put it in a safe place
  2. Copy bspatch.exe and the iTunesMobileDevice.dll_902._win.patch into the same directory as the iTunesMobileDevice.dll
  3. Run a command prompt with administrator rights.. This is especially important in Vista and Windows 7
  4. Change directory to the directory that contains bspatch.exe, the .patch file and the dll
  5. Run
    bspatch.exe iTunesMobileDevice.dll iTunesMobileDevice-new.dll iTunesMobileDevice.dll_902._win.patch
  6. Take iTunesMobileDevice-new.dll and copy/rename it to %CommonProgramFiles%AppleMobile Device SupportbiniTunesMobileDevice.dll
  7. Restart your machine

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